Graham Pegg

Uncle Greyboots

- also known as "Dad"
or "Uncle Greyboots"

Date of birth: 24 November 1946
Married Margret on 2 August 1973

Primary School teacher, now semi-retired,
and Kombucha drinker - If you want to know
what that is, visit Margret's page!

I enjoy recovering (!), BASIC and music, and I play bass guitar in our local church.

I use a Warwick Corvette 5-string fretless bass, Zoom B9.1ut effects console
and a Trace Elliot (R.I.P.) BLX80 amp. I'm also learning to use an Akai EWI.
(You really wanted to know that, didn't you?)

If you want to get in touch, email me: Dad at therpc dot force9 dot co dot uk.